Saturday, December 26, 2009


Today we had communion at the local Kibidula church. It was my first introduction to African style communion. There was not much different other than we went outside to wash our feet. Which it is my opinion that even if Jesus did not command us to wash each other’s feet we should do it anyways because it feels so good. I like it a lot. After we had finished washing each feet we went back inside for the bread and juice. I was wondering where they would get their grapes for the juice because I have never seen any here in Tanzania. And when they uncovered the juice, I assumed that they didn’t use grape juice because it was yellow. More like a pineapple juice or something. Well, they do use grape juice but they only way to get grape juice is by boiling raisins and straining out the juice. And since golden raisins are the most common here, the juice turns out yellow. I must say that it taste a lot like what it is, raisin juice, but it does the trick when you need it to. As for the bread, it tastes just like home.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I didn't know you could make raisin juice! That's hardcore.
