Saturday, April 24, 2010

Pig Hunt

The other night I came back to my room and all the students were excited. They told me lets go out to the field. I was confused, it was dark and I wasn't sure why they want to go out to the corn field? "Oh," they said, "were going to hunt pigs." Apparently now we have more than monkeys eating our corn but at night wild pigs are coming too. I wanted to see the action so I quickly grabbed my coat and ran after them. It turns out that what they called hunting pigs in practicality is building a campfire in the corn field and because there is corn around we all roasted several ears. I never saw the pig but the corn sure tasted good.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Bike Ride

This past week I did a four day bike ride over the mountains to lake Malawi. It went very well but it was very exhuasting. It was two Swiss family's and I, we were expecting it to take us around three days but we had never been on the trail before. When we came to the last stretch, every person that we met told us that the trail was immposibble to take bicycles down and that we would have to turn around. The advice they gave was accurate the trail was immpassabile by bicycles but we carried them down anyways. Steep mountain trails, more for goats than poeple, but we made it to lake Malawi. Which, as always never fails to amaze me. I'll show pictures when I get home but let me assure you it was quite the adventure.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Jungle Gaboo

Early this morning round about eight
I took an adventure into the unknown
I had no inkling what would await
Deep in a forest, that was all overgrown.

The trail looked quite appealing
How could I resist?
So I swallowed the feeling
of dangers cold fist.

It started out fine,
Past eucalyptis and pine
I thought to myself this is better than
grape juice

Then deeper I went into jugle gaboo
I found many things
but say is taboo.

Onward I journeyed when lo and behold,
way above my head
something started to scold.
A monkey? a snake? a squagalamird?
to my dissapointment it was only a bird

I was on the lookout for a bushbaby too
I had heard of their dwellings
in this jugle gaboo

Then something tubly caught my ear.
There must be some water somewhere up there
So I pushed onward without any fear
Through brables and vines I was hoping wouldn't tear. (my clothes)

At last I found it, that bubbling brook
that plunged over a cliff
How beautiful to the look.

Micheal Fay would be jealous,
if he could go where I do
on my adventures into jugle gaboo.