Sunday, March 28, 2010


This weekend is the board meetings for Kibidula, so there are alot of people visiting for the meetings from America, Zambia and Europe. Also the two student missionaries came up from Riverside Farms are here so I have had a great time geeting to know them and showing them around Kibidula. Yesterday after church we decided to take the canoe and the dugout across the swamp. I think I have blogged about the swamp before but just incase my memory fails me I will explains it again. One side of Kibidula is located on a huge marsh (It is more of a marsh than a swamp) that is full of water all year around but towards the end of the rainy season the water level rises several feet. This makes it easier to paddle the canoe through the tall grass and water lilies. It is about a mile across and I have always wanted to paddle over to the pine forest on the other side but have never had a chance. This was the perfect opportunity. We got the aluminum canoe that Kibidula has and borrowed a dugout from a fisherman so there would be enough room for us all. One of the Student Missionaries from riverside and I rode in the dugout. It is quite tippy but we managed to stay fairly dry. Halfway across we stopped at a little island that is only a pile of grass and a bush. The grass felt like there was no dirt underneath because when you stepped on it you sank down about a foot and water would seep up through. It was fun, we made it across and explored a little bit on the other side before returning to a beautiful sunset reflecting off the of the water. What more could you ask for?


  1. How neat is that?! Sounds like you are having fun. Which SM's did you meet? Did the Grabiners give you your package?

  2. Was there any dangerous wildlife in the swamp?

  3. Hmm,keeping secrets I see.I don't know about that swamp!
