Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A Happy Birthday

Well, in case some were unawares, last Friday was my twentieth Birthday. It turned out quite nice and I am no longer a teenager. It started in the morning with a partial solar eclipse, which was quite impressive. On Saturday night we had a small birthday party with the some of the younger people, I made the cake or at least attempted to. It was definitely edible.

The average Tanzanian is quite laid back, so I am learning a lesson or two in not getting to worked up about things. For example, last week I was working in the fields with them weeding the corn fields and I always seemed to be hoeing out corn when I wasn't supposed two. After every time I ended the life of one more corn plant, the student I was helping said, "hakuna matata" (no problem). Then I would hoe another corn plant and he would say, "hakuna shida" (no problem). Then I when I got carried a way and accidentally hoed his head, he groaned "hakuna matata"

On a more recent note I have spent the last three days building one day churches. Quite exhausting work, but, also very rewarding. We attempted to build two in one day but rolls had to settle for putting on the roof the next day. Hakuna Matata.


  1. what? you hoed his head? poor kid. is he okay?

  2. I like the "hakuna matata" philosophy. I'll remember it next time I'm stressed about school or stuck in traffic. : )

    Glad you had a good birthday!

  3. Good to know that SOMETHING was accurate in Lion King. :) Good to get a text from you and to see you post something.

    love you!

    p.s. Lot's of people have been asking me about you..

  4. Happy belated Birthday!
    I wonder how you would say 'yes' matata.

    Have fun :).

